Warez helicon remote
Warez helicon remote

warez helicon remote

warez helicon remote

I didn't think the test all the way through and as a result, didn't notice how many shots were involved. In my test I setup to shoot from about 10 inches to infinity to see what it would do. Initial tests were with a 0.3mm hypodermic needle as subject to set my correction factor but have since had major computer problems and all has been shelved until I'm fully sorted again.I played with it a bit as well and will be doing more in the near future. I too have just been experimenting with Helicon Remote and my initial conclusion was that it was superior to the 'ControlMyNikon' program I had been using. Looking good Dan, but at this resolution difficult to judge well. I have found what appears to be a bug in the program, but I won't post that until they have a chance to respond to my inquiry about it.


I have to say that if I can get the software to work consistently, it will be a big help: no more guessing about changes in focus, and you can just start it and read while it chugs away. I'm out of time but will try smaller correction factors and see how they work. If you blow up the crop (you might not be able to do this enough from this site), it looks like there are three small areas still not quite in focus. This appears to be not quite a small enough step. I shot again with a correction factor of.

warez helicon remote

It didn't quite work many areas that had been OOF in the original were in focus in this attempt, but one area went out of focus. 8, which narrows the dept of each step and in this case increased the number of steps from 8 to 11. I then reshot the stack with a correction factor of. I started with the default steps calculated by the program (correction factor=1). I did this with a Canon 5D3 and a Canon 100mm f/2.8 L macro, no tubes, f/8, fairly close to MWD. I thought this was a pretty good test because it would be reasonably apparent if the program was using steps that are too large, leaving out-of-focus areas. I have been testing Helicon Remote as a way of controlling changes in focus for stacked images.

Warez helicon remote